Maintaining good oral health is essential for a confident smile and overall well-being. Dental fillings play a crucial role in preserving teeth and preventing further decay.  

What are Dental Fillings? 

Dental fillings are a common dental procedure designed to repair and restore teeth affected by decay or cavities. The process involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling the space with a durable material, such as composite resin, amalgam, gold, or porcelain. This prevents the decay from progressing and restores the tooth’s functionality. 

Types of Dental Fillings 

Amalgam Fillings: These are composed of a mixture of metals, including silver, tin, copper, and mercury. Amalgam fillings are known for their durability and are often used for molars and premolars. 

Composite Fillings: Made of plastic resin and glass particles, composite fillings are tooth-colored and blend seamlessly with natural teeth. They are an excellent choice for visible areas of the mouth. 

Gold Fillings: While less common due to cost, gold fillings are highly durable and well-tolerated by gum tissues. They are often used for inlays and onlays. 

Porcelain Fillings (Inlays and Onlays): Custom-made in a dental laboratory, porcelain fillings provide a natural appearance and are suitable for more extensive restorations. Inlays fit within the cusps of the tooth, while onlays cover one or more cusps. 

The Dental Filling Process 

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 

When decay or damage is detected, your dentist will conduct a thorough examination, often utilizing X-rays to assess the extent of the issue. Based on their findings, a treatment plan is developed to address the specific needs of your teeth. 

Tooth Preparation and Filling Placement 

The affected tooth is prepared by removing the decayed portion. The dentist then cleans the cavity thoroughly before filling it with the chosen material. In the case of composite fillings, layering and curing with a special light may be involved for optimal results. 

Aftercare and Sensitivity 

Following the procedure, it’s normal to experience some sensitivity. This usually subsides within a few days. Good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups, are crucial for maintaining the longevity of your dental fillings. 

Caring for Dental Fillings 

Oral Hygiene Practices 

Proper oral hygiene is essential for the longevity of dental fillings. Brushing at least twice daily, flossing, and using an antiseptic mouthwash help prevent new cavities and maintain oral health. 

Regular Dental Check-ups 

Regular visits to the dentist allow for the early detection of potential issues. The dentist will monitor the condition of the existing fillings and promptly address any concerns. 


Dental fillings are fundamental to oral health, preserving teeth and preventing further decay. Whether you opt for traditional amalgam, tooth-colored composite, or other materials, understanding the types of fillings and the process involved can help you to make informed decisions about your dental care. Book an appointment with our dental expert at Bravo! Dental and get your confident smile that lasts a lifetime.

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